How to prepare for the CUET exam?

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The Common University entrance test was introduced from the year 2022. All the central and top universities of India are accepting admission on the basis of cuet marks. To get admission to these universities a huge number of students from all over India apply for the cuet exam every year. 

There are two ways in which students actually choose for the exam preparation. The first one is self-study and the second one is CUET coaching. In this article, we have provided the complete information about cuet exam preparation. 

CUET exam consists of the following three sections

  1. Language Specific 
  2. Domain-specific
  3. General Test

Language Specific 

There are 33 languages available in the cuet exam. Aspirants will have the option to choose any one of them at their convenience. Students will be required to answer 40 out of 50 questions in their chosen language. Before choosing the language, students must analyze in which language he/she can do their best.  

Applicants will be given 45 minutes to answer the language test. It will be tested through reading comprehension. So to give the best performance, students must practice consistently to finish the paper within 45 minutes.

Domain Specific

There will be 27 subjects available in the domain-specific subjects. Aspirants will have the choice to choose any 6 of them as per their desire. 

While choosing the domain students should select only those subjects in which they are good. Choosing the wrong subject can affect the cuet result.

In the domain-specific paper it is mandatory to answer 40 out of 50 available questions. The type of the questions will be MCQ and students will get 45 minutes to answer these questions.

The questions will be based on the NCERT class 12th syllabus, so students should practice their chosen subjects NCERT book several times.

General Test

Aspirants will get 60 questions in the general test paper. Students have to answer 50 of them in 60 minutes. The type of these questions will be MCQ, same as domain specific paper.

In general, test questions will be asked from the area General Knowledge, Current Affairs, General Mental Ability, Numerical Ability, Quantitative Reasoning, Logical and Analytical Reasoning. 

To be prepared for these papers students can do self-study by making a routine and by practicing previous year papers,  or can join a cuet coaching. In cuet coaching, students can resume their preparation under the guidance of experts. 

Through cuet  coaching students will meet like minded students which will create a healthy competition. It will be easy to crack the CUET exam under the guidance of a cuet coaching.

Conclusion: To crack the cuet exam, students should make a strict routine and follow it strictly. The cuet question paper will be based on the NCERT 12th class textbooks. Students should practice NCERT books several times. This practice will boost students' speed and will also be helpful in time management during examinations. 

If self study is not sufficient then students must choose online/offline cuet  coaching for better preparation. Students should do self-assessment and should work on their weaknesses.
