Top 3 Reasons to Call Pest Control NOW

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Sacramento has its fair share of pests. These pests are a part of the natural world we live in and can be a valuable part of our ecosystem. So why do we need pest control? From bug infestations to rodents, these pests may be a part of our world, but they have no business sharing our homes. Pests can cause significant damage to your property as well as to your health.

While some homeowners attempt to solve their own pest problems, this is often a mistake. Do-it-yourself pest control solutions are time-consuming and costly. They can even make the issue worse or invite another type of pest into your home. As such, homeowners need a professional exterminator service they can count on.

Why Do We Need Pest Control?

There are three main reasons why you need to call pest control ASAP.

  1. Your Family’s Health. Pests can pose a significant risk to your family’s health. They can bring unwanted bacteria, germs, and parasites into your home and make your family sick. They also transmit a variety of infections and communicable diseases. For example, mice and rats carry Hantavirus and Ticks carry Lyme disease.For this reason alone, it is important to call a professional. An exterminator can eradicate the problem quickly and prevent the spread of infectious diseases that could affect your loved ones.
  2. Ensure that the Problem is Handled Correctly. When you hire a professional pest control company, you can rest easier knowing that they will handle the issue correctly. This means identifying the type of pest problem you have and then working to develop a solution that works.From start to finish, a professional pest elimination company will use its proven methods of pest control to correctly address and eradicate pests and prevent them from returning.
  3. Stop Property Damage. Pests cause significant property damage. Carpenter beetles (also called carpet beetles) and silverfish may damage belongings, while rats and mice can damage your walls and attic spaces quickly.Pest extermination companies are trained to solve pest problems efficiently, preventing further damage to your home and property.
Choose The Sacramento Area Pest Control Experts You Can Trust

At Jones Bros Pest Control, Inc., we offer quality and affordable pest extermination in Sacramento that you can count on. With free re-treatments and a full money-back guarantee, there is no risk in calling our office to learn more about what we can do for you! We offer affordable and flexible plans that can fit virtually any budget.

For over 40 years, residents and businesses in Sacramento have relied on us. Call today at 916-852-8800 to begin crafting an achievable and affordable solution to your pest infestation.

