What Are the Latest Trends in Home Security?

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The world is constantly changing and home security is evolving right along with it. New technologies are creating more possibilities when it comes to home security trends. So, what trends and issues should you know about when it comes to home security?

The home security experts at Lockworks Unlimited, Inc. have gathered a list to help. Here are some of the top home security trends you should be watching out for.


1. Smart Homes and Artificial Intelligence

With the average American consumer buying nearly $500 of smart home tech a year, it is no wonder the home security industry is growing. Voice assistants, video doorbells, smart lights… the list of options can be staggering. Those options can also annoy you with constant alerts, most of which are false alarms. To curb this downside, security developers are turning to artificial intelligence (AI).

Using AI, security system developers are trying to analyze the data captured by your smart home security system. They hope to be able to distinguish between common everyday occurrences and suspicious activity. Can you imagine a system smart enough to alert you about a stranger rather than the delivery person? It looks like it could be on the horizon.


2. Security Robots and Drones

We already have voice assistants like Alexa and Siri following our commands, soon we may have robots that do the same. At the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) 2020 robots stole the show. Though many of the robots at this year’s convention were companion and pet bots, security bots may not be far away. Some security companies are in talks to integrate drones into their systems too. With the ability to follow and capture footage at any angle, adding drones to home security systems could help identify intruders. These drones could be either AI controlled or remote controlled.


3. Arming Your Security System Remotely

Home security industry experts agree, an armed security system is the most effective system. For people on the go, remembering to arm their system can be tricky. To solve these issues, more companies are integrating remote arming into their security systems. This enables users to check their system and arm it from their phone or mobile device. Systems with these features can also send a text or phone message to you or the authorities if it spots an intruder


Need Cutting-Edge Service You Can Trust? We Are Available Day or Night!

Even more innovations are coming to security systems across the nation and we are keeping up with these home security trends. If you want to take advantage of the latest advancements, rely on the service of your local home security company. Here at Lockworks Unlimited, Inc., we not only offer the latest in home security, we can help you install it! We have served San Mateo County and the surrounding area for over 20 years, so we have experience you can trust. To learn more about our security experts call us at (650) 299-9126 or send us an online message.
