Your Bladder Has a New BFF – Our OAB Patient Navigators

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It’s a testament to our ability to soldier on in the face of adversity that keeps many of us from tackling pesky health issues when they first come up. Whether it's fear, embarrassment, or simply not knowing what to do, issues like uncontrollable urine leaks can go unaddressed for far too long. Just as finding the best bladder cancer doctors is crucial for those facing more severe conditions, addressing issues like urine leaks promptly is essential for maintaining quality of life.

Understanding the Struggle

Nina Turcotte, EMT, explains, “There are women in this world who think leaking all over themselves is just part of life—it’s normal and you just have to live with it.”

Turcotte and Meredith Norris, BSN, RN, CURN, are patient navigators specializing in urology with decades of experience. They are passionate about helping those who struggle with overactive bladder (OAB), a condition affecting millions globally.

Overcoming OAB—Together

OAB causes the muscles of the bladder to spasm or contract involuntarily, creating a strong and urgent need to urinate, often without much urine present. This urge can be frequent and difficult to control. While OAB is common among those in their 40s and 50s, it can affect anyone and is not solely related to aging. Neurological disorders can also trigger its onset. Nearly 30 percent of men and 40 percent of women in the United States live with OAB symptoms.

Fortunately, numerous treatment options are available, ranging from lifestyle changes and medications to Botox injections that calm the nerves and muscles around the bladder. For more advanced cases, procedures like InterStim, which uses pacemaker technology, or posterior tibial nerve therapy, which involves mild electrical stimulation, can effectively treat OAB.

VIP Concierge Service for Your Bladder

To help individuals manage OAB without embarrassing leaks, incontinence specialists pair every patient with a dedicated and knowledgeable patient navigator. This direct connection fosters a strong bond between patients and their navigators, providing personalized and compassionate care.

“We are definitely their advocates, champions, and teachers,” says Norris. Turcotte adds, “We help patients understand their disease, its causes, and treatment options.”

From Embarrassment to Empowerment

With a comprehensive approach involving physicians, physician assistants, and patient navigators, OAB sufferers receive 360-degree care.

“The doctor is the lead who maps out a treatment plan—whether it’s pelvic floor therapy, medication, or other procedures. As patient navigators, we are an extension of that care,” Norris notes. “We have conversations with patients they often don’t have with their physician. We talk about behavior modification techniques, review their daily fluid intake, and provide a list of foods and drinks that can irritate the bladder. Just as important, if those treatment approaches aren’t working, they can talk to us about the next steps.”

“And they are receptive to that,” Turcotte adds. “I’ve had patients call back after a few months into their treatment if they experience side effects or if the treatment isn’t helping as much as they hoped. We’re here to listen and talk in depth with them to help figure out the issue so we can get them the right kind of help.”

Navigating Life Without Leaks

OAB sufferer Sara struggled with leaks for 15 years before seeking help. She appreciated being paired with a dedicated OAB patient navigator. “It is so nice to be able to talk with someone who has access to all of your information and can either advise you or check with the doctor and get back to you. I programmed her number right into my phone.”

When Sara noticed her OAB medication was raising her blood pressure, she called her navigator immediately. “She told me about a new medication, Gemtesa, that didn’t have that side effect.”

After taking the new medication for just a few days, Sara saw a dramatic improvement in her OAB symptoms and her blood pressure normalized. “Her recommendation was a game-changer,” Sara admits.

For Turcotte and Norris, each patient’s success reaffirms their mission to help people enjoy life without embarrassing and limiting bladder conditions.

“A lot of them will say, if it wasn’t for you, I wouldn’t understand my condition. Or, now that you’ve explained I have other options, I’ll give treatment a second chance,” Norris says. “Anytime a patient comes back and says thank you, it is extremely rewarding.”

Turcotte agrees. “To hear them say they’re dry and their life has changed, those are the best words we can hear from a patient.”

Just as finding the best bladder cancer doctors is crucial for those facing more severe conditions, seeking the expertise of patient navigators can make all the difference in managing and treating overactive bladder.

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