How Long Does Masseter Botox Last After Treatment?

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Masseter Botox injections have increased in popularity for people looking to thin out their jawline, improve symptoms of teeth grinding, or alleviate symptoms associated with temporomandibular joint disorders.

Masseter Botox injections have increased in popularity for people looking to thin out their jawline, improve symptoms of teeth grinding, or alleviate symptoms associated with temporomandibular joint disorders. Since the treatment has worked its way into both cosmetic and medical reasons, one of the most common questions asked is, How long does Masseter Botox last after treatment? This article will cover everything you should know about Masseter Botox its effects and what you can expect regarding longevity.

What is Masseter Botox?

Before getting into how long it could last, a clear definition of what Masseter Botox is and how it works should be established. The masseter muscle is one of the major chewing muscles. This muscle may become overdeveloped on either side of the jaw due to teeth grinding, commonly known as bruxism, or habitual chewing gum. This usually leads to a square-shaped jawline, tension in the face, and pain.

Botox, or rather botulinum toxin, is a neurotoxin that temporarily causes paralysis of the muscle it is being injected into in small amounts. Injecting it into the masseter has the potential to make it smaller in size and activity, creating a softer appearance of the jawline. This treatment relaxes tension to reduce teeth grinding responsible for headaches or jaw pains. For this reason, Masseter Botox in Los Angeles has recently become a more popular treatment option due to the twofold cosmetic and therapeutic benefits of such a procedure.

How is the Masseter Botox Treated?

Masseter Botox treatments are generally fast and non-invasive. A series of small shots are directly provided into the masseter muscles on both sides of the face. Your healthcare provider will determine how many units will be used based on the size of the muscle and the results desired.

The entire process usually takes less than 30 minutes, and patients can usually immediately resume daily activities. Side effects are minimal but can include slight swelling, bruising, or discomfort at the injection site.

How Long Does Masseter Botox Take to Work?

Unlike most cosmetic treatments, results from Masseter Botox do not appear right away. Generally, it takes about 1 to 2 weeks before the full extent of the treatment is realized for the patient. At this time, Botox is gradually paralyzing the muscle, therefore reducing size and activity.

It should be remembered that it doesn't kill the masseter; it simply relaxes the muscle. Over time, the relaxing of this muscle will eventually yield a softer jawline, eliminating the pain and discomfort due to excessive use of the muscle.

How Long Does Masseter Botox Last?

The effect of Masseter Botox may vary, but the general period accepted by most people ranges between 3 to 6 months. However, the lasting period of your treatment is related to the following factors: 

1. Metabolism

Everybody metabolizes Botox through their body at a different speed, so people with quicker metabolisms may wear off their Masseter Botox faster. If your body processes the botulinum toxin faster, you may notice that the effects might be gone sooner, approaching the 3-month mark. The second reason is: 

2. Muscle Activity

Continuation of activities that overwork the masseter muscle, such as teeth grinding, gum chewing, and jaw clenching, can wear off Botox sooner. The more active the muscle, the faster the action of the Botox is apt to wear off.

3. Dosage

The other factor that often affects the duration of Botox treatments is the dosage utilized in any particular procedure. While a larger amount indeed tends to last longer, smaller dosages are highly likely to wear off sooner. Your health professional will assess your muscle size and activity to determine the proper dose for your needs.

4. Repetition of Treatment

The good news is that this lengthens considerably with repeated treatments, with many finding the effects last longer over time. That makes sense because the masseter muscle is weakened a bit more with each subsequent injection to become less active and smaller. This means that in the future, your Botox treatments may last longer than the first one does.

People have different bodies, and for some, they respond more positively to the treatment itself. Some patients notice results seem to last 6 months or longer, and other patients may need follow-up treatments closer to those 3 months.

How to Maintain Your Results

Anyone who wants to maintain the slimming effect of the jawline or TMJ symptom relief will have to undertake regular treatments. Many patients usually require 4-6 months of follow-up treatments to maintain consistent results. The time to undertake such treatments is before the Botox has completely worn off, lest the muscle returns to its original size and activity.

Patients can also develop habits between treatments that can help prolong their results. Activities of over-engagement of the masseter muscle, such as excessive gum chewing and teeth grinding, may be avoided to prolong the effect of Botox. Stress management, such as relaxation techniques or the use of a night guard, minimizes clenching of the jaw and grinding of teeth, which accelerates the wearing off of Botox.

What Happens When Masseter Botox Wears Off?

Once the Botox Masseter wears off, the treated muscle will gradually return to its pre-treatment size and activity. That also means that in case you get the treatment for cosmetic purposes, your jawline may become prominent again with time. On the contrary, if one is looking for the treatment of TMJ or bruxism, he/she may feel symptoms after some time, which include pain in the jaw, headaches, or teeth grinding.

It is also important to note that Botox will not permanently damage the muscle, and the results of Botox are temporary. Because of that fact, many patients consider regular treatments to continue their desired outcome.

Who is a Good Candidate for Masseter Botox?

Masseter botox is a great option if one is looking to soften the jawline, TMJ symptoms, or teeth grinding. Good candidates include those who:

Have overdevelopment of the masseter muscle due to excessive chewing or grinding of teeth.

Want a non-surgical means of slimming the jaw?

Experience TMJ disorders or bruxism and wish to relieve tension in the jaw that may also trigger headaches.

Are normally healthy, without active neurological conditions that could interfere with Botox administration.

It is very important to find a qualified health professional who will be able to indicate whether Masseter Botox is the best treatment for you. In Los Angeles, those places that offer Masseter Botox treatments have experts in this particular area who can assess your personal needs and prescribe the most appropriate course of action for you.


Masseter Botox offers unique aesthetic and medical treatments. Whether one seeks to attain a well-defined outline of the jaw or to receive some relief from the pains that might be attributed to TMJ, Masseter Botox will treat it effectively. Results will generally last between 3 to 6 months, depending on metabolism, muscle activity, and dosage.

With these reasons, Masseter Botox is very popular in Los Angeles for those looking for professional care and the amalgamation of experience and most modern techniques for the best outcomes. You can enjoy the advantages of a thinner jaw and comfort for several months between treatments if you get the injections on schedule and take proper aftercare.
