Professional dental cleanings are essential for maintaining a healthy, bright smile and preventing future dental problems. If it’s been a while since your last visit, you might wonder what happens during a dental cleaning and why it’s necessary. Let’s walk through the process so you’ll know exactly what to expect and feel more at ease at your next appointment.
Step 1: Initial Check-Up
Your dental cleaning typically begins with an initial check-up. Your dentist or dental hygienist will start by examining your mouth to look for any signs of issues, such as cavities, gum disease, or other dental concerns. They might use a small mirror to see those hard-to-reach areas, checking around each tooth and along the gum line. This initial step helps them understand the current state of your oral health and catch any problems early.
Step 2: Removing Plaque and Tartar
After the initial examination, the next step is removing plaque and tartar. Plaque is the sticky, bacteria-filled film that forms on your teeth daily. When it isn’t removed, it can harden into tartar, which is more difficult to remove and can lead to gum disease if left untreated. Using a scaler, a small metal tool, the hygienist will carefully remove plaque and tartar from around your teeth and gums. This process may take a bit longer if tartar buildup is more significant, but rest assured, it’s a crucial part of keeping your mouth healthy.
Step 3: Deep Cleaning and Polishing
Once plaque and tartar are removed, the hygienist will use a high-powered electric toothbrush and gritty toothpaste to polish your teeth. This step helps remove any remaining plaque and stains, making your teeth feel smooth and clean. The polishing process may feel a bit gritty, but it’s gentle and safe for your teeth, helping to make them brighter.
Step 4: Expert Flossing
Even if you floss at home, professional flossing is a deeper, more thorough clean. The hygienist will floss between each of your teeth to remove any remaining debris and ensure that your gums are healthy. They may also provide guidance on flossing techniques, helping you maintain these results in your daily routine. Expert flossing not only keeps your teeth clean but also contributes to healthier gums.
Step 5: Rinsing
After the cleaning and flossing, you’ll rinse your mouth to remove any remaining debris and toothpaste. Some offices use a fluoride rinse or mouthwash to help strengthen your enamel and keep your teeth protected.
Step 6: Fluoride Treatment (Optional)
Many dental cleanings end with an optional fluoride treatment, especially for patients prone to cavities. Fluoride helps strengthen the enamel, making your teeth more resistant to decay. This treatment typically involves applying a gel, foam, or varnish to your teeth for a few minutes. Your dentist will let you know if they recommend fluoride for you based on your dental health.
Final Check-Up and Tips
After the cleaning, the dentist will likely take a final look at your teeth and gums. They may offer suggestions on improving your at-home care, like specific brushing techniques or products to use. They’ll also remind you of any areas that need extra attention and answer any questions you might have.
Professional dental cleanings are a simple and effective way to keep your teeth and gums healthy. By regularly visiting your dentist for a cleaning, you’re helping to prevent issues like cavities, gum disease, and staining. The process is straightforward and usually takes less than an hour, leaving your mouth feeling fresh and clean. So next time you’re due for a cleaning, rest assured that your dentist and hygienist are here to make the experience comfortable and beneficial for your oral health.