September Flower and Birthstone: A Brief Description

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The two September flowers are Asters and Morning Glories. Asters were used to memorialize warriors who lost their lives in war. The Morning Glory is like a booming creeper that has long stood as an emblem of eternal and one-sided love. Let us go through the deep study of the September flowers.

The birthstone for September-born people is Sapphire. It is one of the precious gemstones, scoring a 9 on the Mohs scale of hardness. It comprises aluminum oxide with particles of chromium, titanium, iron, and magnesium. Sapphire is one of the two gemstones that come in the Corundum mineral family; the other one is Ruby. The word Sapphire originated from the Latin word ‘Sapphirus’ and the Greek word ‘Sappheiros.’ In Hindi, Sapphire is named as “Neelam.”

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