A Comprehensive Ridge Gourd Farming Guide

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Ridge gourd, a vital vegetable crop in India, is cultivated all year and belongs to the cucurbitaceae family. This versatile vegetable holds significant popularity in the culinary traditions of South and East India. The ridge gourd is consumed in its green stage, along with its leaves and stem. This makes it highly appreciated for both its taste and nutritional value. However, here we will discuss how this vegetable is grown and how it is used in cooking.

Health Benfits of Ridge Gourd

Regarding health benefits, ridge gourd is renowned as an excellent blood purifier and possesses laxative properties. Additionally, it's considered beneficial for diabetes management. Its richness in dietary fiber not only aids in weight loss but also contributes to its value as an anti-inflammatory and antibiotic.

Other Names of Ridge Gourd

Across India, this vegetable goes by various regional names such as Sirola (Gujarati), Dodka (Marathi), Beerakaya (Telugu), Turai (Hindi), Peerkankai (Tamil), Heerekayi (Kannada), and Peechanga (Malayalam).

Varieties of Ridge Gourd

Several commercially cultivated varieties of ridge gourd are prevalent in India, including PKM1, CO-1, CO-2, Desi Chaitali, Pusa Nasdar, Phule Sucheta, and Kankan Harita.

Climate Condition for Ridge Gourd Cultivation

When considering its cultivation, ridge gourd thrives when sown either in January or July. This crop prefers a warm and humid climate, thriving at temperatures ranging between 25 to 30 degrees Celsius. 

Soil Requirement for Ridge Gourd Farming

The best soil conditions would have a moderate pH ranging from 6.5 to 7.5. The preferred soil type is sandy loam mixture with organic matter. It is important to make the land suitable for cultivation before sowing so as to optimize the cultivation process.

It implies total ploughing to ensure fine soil texture and complete elimination of weeds. Using a good tractor like the Preet Tractor has the potential to transform the land preparation process into a very efficient activity.

Another important factor in successful ridge gourd farming is ensuring proper spacing. An inter-row distance of at least 1.5-2.5 meters promotes the best growth of the plants. Such practices, when adopted by farmers, will help in creating a conducive environment for ridge gourd cultivation, leading to higher returns by using machinery like Preet Tractor.

Sowing Process for Ridge Gourd Farming

During the sowing process, it's advisable to plant three seeds per pit. For a 1-hectare plot, the quantity of seeds required varies from 1 to 2 kg depending on the specific variety of ridge gourd chosen. After 15 days, thinning the seedlings to two per pit promotes healthier plant growth and development.

Fertilizers in Ridge Gourd Cultivation

Farmers apply fertilizers systematically to support the growth of ridge gourd crops, employing a split application of 250:100:100 kg of NPK/ha throughout the cropping period. They enrich the soil with manure before sowing, creating a fertile environment for initial growth.

After seeding, they precisely apply a small amount of fertilizer to enhance early crop establishment. Additionally, they provide additional fertilizer at crucial phases of development, such as the vegetative, flowering, or harvest phase.

Water Requirements for Ridge Gourd Cultivation

Watering the ridge gourd basins before sowing seeds and subsequently at weekly intervals is a recommended practice. Utilizing drip irrigation emerges as an advantageous method, aiding in weed control and preventing water loss, especially during summer plantations. Interestingly, rainy season crops might not necessitate additional irrigation due to the prevailing weather conditions.

Pests and Diseases in Ridge Gourd Cultivation

Ridge gourd crops are prone to pests and diseases. Powdery mildew causes white or grey patches on leaves, treatable with Karathane, Calixin, or Carbendazim. Red pumpkin beetles eat leaves and can be managed by spraying carbaryl. Gummy stem blight during the rainy season is treated with Mancozeb or Carbendiazim. Leaf miners can be controlled by spraying neem kernel or Thiomethoxane.

Weed Management

When it comes to irrigation practices for ridge gourd crops, it's imperative to strike a balance. Overwatering or underwatering can both impede the crop's progress. 

  • Maintaining optimal soil moisture levels is achieved through a consistent approach: Weekly watering is recommended to sustain the crop's growth and development. 
  • Drip irrigation stands out as a particularly effective method.
  • Especially during the summer months, when more frequent watering is necessary, typically at intervals of 3 to 4 days.
  • Interestingly, during the rainy season, additional irrigation may not be required, harnessing the natural water supply.


The harvesting process of ridge gourd crops is notably time-sensitive. The fruits are typically ready for harvest within two months. Optimal quality is achieved when harvesting is carried out during the immature and tender stage. Delayed harvests may compromise the quality of the produce.

Marketing Strategies and Value

Ridge gourd is a great crop for farmers. They can sell it fresh at local markets or to big buyers. But making things like pickles or jams from ridge gourd can reach more people and make more money. Doing this adds value to the crop and helps it sell better.


Therefore, farming ridge gourd is a good idea as its cultivation is easy, produces high yields, and adapts to different climatic conditions. As an example, it is possible to use John Deere Tractor, which will increase the productivity of this process. This tractor assists the farmer in preparing the ground, planting crop and its management systematically.

Proper cultivation methods, pest and disease control mechanisms, and effective marketing techniques will enable farmers to realize maximum profits from ridge gourd farming. Another step of expanding the market is to integrate value added products like pickles, jams, and jellies which also make the crop economical. This in the long run, favors the farmers and also helps in addressing the world’s appetite for this special vegetable.
