Top 8 Good Habits, Every Parent Should Teach Their Child in Early Age

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Good habits always go a long way especially when it comes down to character formation. Inculcating good habits when young is one of the best ways to retain them for the years to come. Maybe this is also one of the reasons why many top play schools put a strong focus on developing and inculcating good habits in young children while keeping their academics in mind. However, focusing on developing good habits is not the sole responsibility of the playschool, parents have to put some extra hands into it. While most parents do focus on their children’s health and education right from the beginning what about the formation of good habits? Those habits that will make them good human beings? So, this is what we will be discussing today. We will be discussing all the good habits parents should teach their children, especially from an early age. So, here we go. 

Good Habits For Children To Learn From An Early Age: 

Eating Healthy & Balanced Diet 

You might have noticed how present-day young children are obsessed with fast food like burgers, fries and noodles. This is why this habit is one of the toughest of them all. This is where teaching your child healthy eating habits like self-control early in life can help them stay healthier and safer in the long run. Parents should explain to their children the importance of healthy eating, how junk food affects their health and more. In fact, if possible make homemade versions of their fast food snacks to curb their cravings healthily. 

Table Etiquette or Manners 

Parents might not realize but teaching your children table manners is one of the most important good habits. As soon as your child learns to eat dinner on the table and begins to feel like adults, it's time to teach them some table manners. Make them learn to use words like please, thank you, and sorry which can be used while asking for something or passing the things to others and more. Additionally also teach them not to speak when their mouth is full, teach them how to use napkins and sit up properly while eating. All these habits when learned early prepare them for future professional dinners too. 

Limiting The Screen Time 

In today’s time especially after the pandemic the screen time of children has automatically increased a lot. Although we can't help because education is being imparted through digital mode, what we can do is limit it to some extent. That’s because children sometimes get addicted to staying online for hours which can harm their health. As parents, it's important to limit their screen time and allow them to use laptops. TVs or mobile phones only for a fixed interval of time. This will make them learn discipline as well. 

Brushing Teeth Twice A Day 

This is one habit that children learn from an early age. Brushing teeth twice a day is a must and a very important habit for children. Young children often become very lazy when it comes to brushing their teeth. This is where you come up as great educational help for your children. Teach them the importance of proper brushing, and try and make brushing a fun-filled activity for them by allowing them some treats when they follow the twice-a-day brushing routine. Brushing twice a day should become a habit that they follow for the years to come. 

Reading Time Activity 

As any preschool education expert, reading is a good habit for children. Parents can easily instil this good habit in children by allotting their children a specific reading time into their schedule. Make a routine for reading at a fixed time, it can be in the evening when they watch television or simply when they are going to bed to sleep. You can exchange turns when it comes to reading every day, one day let them read, and the next day you can read for them and vice versa. This reading habit will improve their communication skills and will also enrich their minds with vocabulary. 

Regular Sleep Schedule 

The parents need to get their child to establish a correct sleep schedule. It is one of the most important habits that should be learned early by the children if you want a simple life for them as well as for you. Especially when your play school child begins to go to the regular school, it will be easy for them to adapt to the new school timings if they sleep at the correct time every night. Make them stick to a regular bedtime and be a role model for them by following the right sleep schedule.

Cleaning Up The Mess

This is one of the habits most of the parents don't give much attention to. Make your child learn that it's always a good idea to clean up the mess in their room. You can make it a game like giving your child a time slot of 15-20 minutes a day and asking them to arrange their room. From making sure all of their toys, books and stuff are placed in appropriate places to dusting the room, let them do it all sometimes. In the end post, successful cleaning of the mess rewards them with a special treat or meal afterwards. 

Sharing Is Caring 

Last but not least, is the sharing habit which is one of the most important good habits especially for school children. Many daycare programs focus on this habit and explain to children how sharing transforms them as a person. This habit can be easily learnt by making children grateful for the things they have. Make them share things with their siblings and friends. This is a habit which is very easily learnt at home. Every parent has their own way of making their child learn sharing and kindness. 

Final Thoughts!

These are just the few good habits, parents can't miss out on when educating their child during the early education period. While there are many more things, we mentioned the ones we found really important in daycare programs
