Biggest Signs Your HVAC Is Due For A Replacement

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The HVAC is an essential system used in nearly 90% of households in the United States. While many people want these systems to last forever and never encounter issues, they can't. Ultimately, there will be a time when the system won't be able to work any longer, forcing you to get a new HVAC. In the following sections, our professional technicians at Bulls Eye Plumbing, Heating & Air discuss the biggest signs your HVAC is due for a replacement. HVAC contractor in Colorado Springs, CO

  1. Old Age

Old age is one obvious sign your HVAC needs a replacement. Generally, the lifespan of most HVAC systems is 10 to 20 years. After running for many years, your system will experience wear and tear, as well as other issues that will affect its structure and functioning. Therefore, replacing your existing system as it approaches or passes its designated lifetime is the best thing to do.

  1. Increased Energy Bills

Unexplainable higher-than-normal energy bills can also indicate that your HVAC is due for a replacement. Increased energy bills when heating and cooling are always the result of HVAC inefficiency caused by duct leaks, clogged air filters, and failing components. An old and poorly maintained HVAC can also result in excess energy bills. Replacing your current HVAC with a new and efficient system can significantly help lower your energy consumption and bills when heating or cooling your interior.

  1. Unusual Smells

Foul odors that won't go away even after HVAC maintenance is a sign you need to replace your existing system. Rotten egg stench always indicates natural gas leaks, while lingering musty odors signal mold growth in your system. The smell of burning plastic or wire points to electrical issues, and the smell of decaying debris can be a telltale that critters are dead and stuck in your system. 

  1. Strange Noises

It's normal for HVAC systems to produce low-pitch sounds when running. However, it may be time to get a replacement if loud, strange noises persistently come from your unit. Clanking noises can result from unbalanced blower or fan blades hitting other components, while banging noises can be due to loose parts. Hissing noises signaling natural gas leaks and humming noises caused by a malfunctioning contact relay switch can also emanate from your heating and cooling system. These noises can make staying indoors unbearable, so get a replacement to enjoy quieter operations.

  1. Poor Indoor Air Quality

HVAC systems are crucial in ensuring your interior spaces have better air quality. If you're experiencing poor indoor air quality even when your HVAC is running, it's probably time to get a new one. Investing in a new HVAC system will help make sure that you and your loved ones enjoy a comfortable home environment all year round.

  1. Recurring Problems

HVAC systems experience malfunctions every now and then. However, if your system experiences recurring issues, it may be time for a replacement. Repeat HVAC repair will cost more in the long run, and you won’t be able to enjoy your system at full efficiency. While a replacement is more expensive upfront, it is more cost-effective and you won't have to stress about costly malfunctions.

Talk to HVAC Replacement Pros

At BullsEye Plumbing, Heating & Air, we specialize in providing high-quality heating and air conditioning services to communities in Colorado. Since starting our business in 2005, we have provided excellent HVAC services to thousands of clients. We take pride in having easy scheduling opportunities and providing services at fair pricing rates.

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