How to Choose the Right Double Glazing Installer for Your Windows

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Whether you own a house, flat, office, or shop, having proper windows installed is crucial. Not only do they let in natural light and ventilation, but they also play a big role in insulating your space and keeping energy costs down.


When it comes time for new or replacement windows, going with double glazing is a smart choice. Double-glazed windows consist of two panes of glass with an insulating air gap in between.


But getting those windows fitted correctly is key to enjoying all the advantages of double glazing. That's why it's so important to hire a qualified professional double-glazing installer. This guide will help you find a reliable double-glazed installer.

Check Their Credentials and Experience


When it comes to proper window installation, you can't hire just any contractor. This specialized glass helps reduce heat transfer, preventing cold drafts in winter and keeping interiors cooler during summer.


You'll benefit from lower utility bills while making your property more energy efficient. So, you need to hire double-glazing installers accordingly.


  • Have undertaken certified training courses specific to glass and glazing.
  • Can show examples of previous double-glazing projects they've completed.
  • Employ technicians with many years of hands-on experience.


Verifying their qualifications ensures they understand the technical aspects of the job.


Ask About Products and Customizations 


Not all double-glazed windows are created equal. The installers should offer quality products from reputable manufacturers and suppliers. Ask questions like:


  • What glass and frame materials/brands do you use?
  • Can you customize window sizes or styles for my property's needs?
  • What energy efficiency ratings and guarantees come with your products?


Experienced double-glazed installers can guide you to the ideal double-glazed units for performance and budget.

Inquire About Their Installation Process


Double-glazed windows require exact measurements and proper sealing to function optimally. Good installers should carefully:


  • Take exact measurements specific to each window opening.
  • Use the right sealants, gaskets and spacing when fitting the glazing.
  • Check and adjust the windows for a tight seal and smooth operation.


Ask the installer to walk you through their installation techniques so you understand what's involved.


Evaluate Customer Service and Reviews


An experienced double-glazing installer should also deliver outstanding client service. Before hiring, review factors like:


  • Customer testimonials and ratings they've received online.
  • How responsive and professional they are when you inquire.
  • The warranties, insurance and guarantees they provide on workmanship.
  • If they offer fair, upfront pricing with no hidden fees.


Avoid being forced to work with a poor installer who takes advantage of you or has a lot of unanswered complaints.

Obtain Multiple Prices


Unless the installer comes highly recommended, it's wise to get at least 3 different quotes for your double-glazing project. This:


  • Allows you to compare installation costs across companies.
  • Let's assess customer service and professionalism firsthand.
  • Gives negotiating room if one installer significantly undercuts the others.


Always ask each company to provide a quote to break down material and labor fees.



With their insulating air gap, double-glazed windows increase energy efficiency in any property. But ensuring they're properly fitted by quality double glazing installers makes all the difference in their performance.

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