How To Determine Ruby Stone Price? Complete Guide

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The major factors to be considered on how to arrive at the right price for a Ruby stone include color, clarity, carat weight and country of origin.

The major factors to be considered on how to arrive at the right price for a Ruby stone include color, clarity, carat weight and country of origin. The nicest rubies are one with “pigeon blood red” or the newest more intense color, also a clear stone that has less loose inclusions is extremely precious. Rubies that are big, or rubies that are over one carat are going to cost even more. Moreover, when the ruby comes from Burma or Mozambique it means that the price will be much higher. The price of Ruby stone depends on the above-discussed aspects; however, while giving the Ruby Stone Price, the treatment is also considered where Ruby stone is heat-treated, or it is untreated. Make sure the origin, treatment and other key attributes of a ruby you intend to purchase are from certified gem labs.

