Emerald Stone Price Guide II

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It is important to note that the Price of Emerald stones depends on its origin, color, clarity and the carat weight of the gemstone.

It is important to note that the Price of Emerald stones depends on its origin, color, clarity and the carat weight of the gemstone. Some emeralds you find in Colombia or Zambia, or other countries like Brazil are usually costly emeralds. From $500 to more than $5 000 per carat are possible for the highest quality stones. mined, especially if it has a very deep, rich green color and few impurities. Therefore there is a relationship between the degree of clarity the stone and the price as those with higher clarity are costly. It is also dependent on carat weight which means the larger the diamond the scarcer it is and therefore expensive. The usual treatments include oiling, and the emeralds that have not undergone this treatment cost more. Guarantee: The product should be bought from reputable dealers in order to avoid counterfeits and low quality products.

