All About the September Birthstone - Sapphire

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Sapphire, the Stone of September is well-known for its distinctive blue color, reflection of which has a meaning of wisdom, loyalty and nobility.

Sapphire, the Stone of September is well-known for its distinctive blue color, reflection of which has a meaning of wisdom, loyalty and nobility. Although the blue sapphire is the most popular there are pink, yellow and green sapphire stones. That is why Beals, Kashmir, Sri Lanka, and Madagascar blue sapphires are considered to be most valuable. This is a member of the corundum group of minerals, and is the second hardest gemstone after diamonds, hence they are hard wearing gemstones that can be worn on a daily basis. It also has qualities of making one to have a sound mind, making one free from evil energies and also making one to have a strong bond with his/her family. This gem has been used in engagement rings, fine jewelry and has been revered all over the world because of its elegant beauty.

