Snoring can be disruptive to your family. Not only does it cause daytime fatigue, but untreated snoring can lead to serious health issues in the future. It can also lead to habitual teeth clenching and grinding (bruxism), which can destroy your teeth and gums.
A custom-fabricated snoring appliances montgomery al, loosely resembling a sports mouth guard or orthodontic retainer, helps open your airway by pulling your lower jaw forward while you sleep. It’s a cost-effective treatment for snoring and can improve your quality of life.
If you or someone in your household is a habitual snorer, it’s important to address the problem. Unaddressed snoring is a sign of sleep apnea, and it can lead to serious health problems later in life. A custom-fitted oral sleep appliance can help you and your family get a restful night’s sleep.
A snoring appliance is a small device that you wear only at bedtime and during sleep. It resembles a mouth guard or orthodontic retainer and works to keep the jaw and tongue in a forward position. This reduces snoring and opens the airway, which allows better breathing. These devices can also be used to treat mild to moderate obstructive sleep apnea.
We will take impressions of your teeth to create an oral appliance that fits comfortably and is tailored to your unique needs. The device will be fabricated in our dental lab to ensure accurate fit and comfort. We use VariflexTM heat softening acrylic, which is pliable and can be easily inserted in the desired position by running it under hot water.
MADs are effective in reducing snoring appliances montgomery al and improving obstructive sleep apnea in patients of all ages. However, they can have side effects that need to be monitored by a sleep professional, including mouth dryness, sore teeth or gums, discomfort in the temporomandibular joint (TMJ), and headaches. These can be minimized by routine cleaning and storage of the appliance.
Snoring and sleep apnea can have a severe impact on your life. It can keep you up at night and cause you to lose focus during the day. It can also lead to a number of health problems later in life. It is important to seek treatment for these conditions to improve your overall well-being and avoid further health problems. An anti-snoring mouthpiece can be an effective and affordable way to treat snoring and obstructive sleep apnea. The snoring device looks like a sports mouth guard or retainer and is worn while you are sleeping to keep your jaw in a forward position, which can reduce or even eliminate snoring.
The appliances are crafted in a lab using a mold of your upper and lower teeth to ensure a custom fit based on your unique dental patterns. You will work with one of our Medicare-credentialed dentists throughout the process, which means that most – or all – of your device cost may be covered by insurance. The appliance uses hinges on both sides to increase or decrease the amount of mandibular advancement. It is comfortable to wear and won’t interfere with speaking, yawning or swallowing.
It takes time for your body to become accustomed to the snoring mouthpiece. You should try to wear it every night for the best results. Otherwise, your body will view it as a foreign object and may trigger a gag reflex when you put it in your mouth.
A good night’s sleep is more than a luxury; it’s critical for your mental and physical health. Unaddressed snoring can block your airways and lead to more serious problems later, so it’s important that you take steps to correct the problem as soon as possible. Custom snoring appliances fit in your mouth like sports mouth guards or orthodontic retainers and pull your jaw forward to keep your airway open, which can decrease snoring and prevent more serious symptoms of obstructive sleep apnea down the road. They are also portable and easy to handle, creating an efficient treatment process.
Snoring and sleep apnea can also cause habitual teeth clenching or grinding, a condition called bruxism, which can wear down the enamel of your teeth, resulting in chips, cracks, and crooked teeth. The snoring appliances we provide can help prevent bruxism by preventing your tongue from touching the back of your teeth while you sleep, allowing you to breathe normally throughout the night and avoiding further damage to your teeth.
Easy to handle
While snoring may seem harmless, it can actually lead to serious health problems in the future. It is a sign of an untreated sleep disorder, which can evolve into more severe obstructive sleep apnea. Getting a good night’s rest is essential to improving your immune system and maintaining overall wellness. Untreated snoring appliances montgomery al can also result in teeth clenching and grinding, known as bruxism, which can leave your jaws with chipped or crooked enamel.
Snoring appliances look and work like a sports mouth guard or orthodontic retainer, and they help keep the airway open while you sleep. This allows you and your loved ones to enjoy a quieter, more comfortable sleep.
If you find your gag reflex triggered by the appliance, try running warm water over it before wearing it. This will soften the acrylic and make it easier to insert. You can also wear the device periodically throughout the day and in the evening before you go to bed, so that your body will get accustomed to it.