Web Designing Course in Chandigarh

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Mobile First: Web Design Now Starts On Mobile

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • Mobile First: web design now starts on mobile- Aspects to take into account
  • Conclusion
  • FAQs


The Mobile First model is a philosophy that refines the design process of any website, seeking to improve responsive web design. This new way of designing arises from mobile devices and from any smaller screen, which starts with an increasing scale to adapt the design to large screens.

To apply this philosophy, you must keep in mind that everything that is not essential must be left out of our design. To do so, you must think about what our consumers are looking for, what cannot be missing in any case, and what is dispensable or superfluous.

In the age of " Mobile First: web design now starts on mobile," when Responsive Web Design is applied, it is increasingly common for decisions to be made thinking of this method. This is because most users currently access information through their mobile devices.

Mobile First: web design now starts on mobile- Aspects to take into account

Taking into account this way of approaching the design, the dimensions and capabilities of mobile, and the information that you must include, you can move on to the development of a web page.

The first thing to do is clarify the basic content and separate it from excess or expendable content. By doing this, you will be left with a list of the essential elements that our page must contain; home, interior page, shopping cart, search engine... These elements must be decided based on the needs of future users.

It may be the case that certain elements cannot be included on the screen at the same time, such as the logo, the browser, and the search engine, for example. If space is really tight, you can always give yourself the option of enabling a button with categories for options that cannot be included on the screen.

Design- In the design part, the process starts the same; you must think about how you would see the web page if you entered from a mobile. From there, the interface of the page is designed, both on paper during the prototyping process and in HTML + CSS in practice and development.

It is much easier to design a web page from a mobile device than from a desktop computer, especially due to the dimensions and the number of elements that can be included in one or the other. Working with a reduced space is really productive and efficient; it is possible to reduce information and keep what is important, thus discarding what is secondary.

Once you get the final layout for a small device, the next step is to stretch the window until the layout starts to warp or look bad. This is just the time to use what you call ' breakpoint ' and define media queries for higher dimension screens.

Mobile First makes the task of designing any web page easier; gradually, the design will accommodate different screen sizes, adapting the layout to time.

Designing from large screens is much less practical; it requires much more effort to reduce than to increase the space. Designers often agree on this; it's best to start by designing for mobile screens. If you're interested in mastering website design, consider enrolling in Web Designing Course in Chandigarh to enhance your skills further.

Positioning- Google knows that these types of websites are adaptive, which means that they reduce the size of the content just as the resolution of the screens is reduced. For this reason, Google forces websites to maintain a responsive design; if this is not fulfilled, the visibility of the page will be less and less, and SEO effectiveness will decrease due to the loss of customers who access the network through their mobile.

The AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages Project) project is one of the strongest supporters of the Mobile First method; it is an open-source initiative that improves the web experience for mobile users. This project is easy to put into practice following the advice of our professionals.

The number of users connected to the Internet through mobile devices exceeded those who accessed the web from computers. This confirms that in the not-so-distant future, it will be absolutely essential for a website to have a good performance on mobile devices due to the successive increase in the use of small screens to surf the web.

Currently, creating a website under the Mobile First philosophy is essential; obtaining a good positioning and receiving the greatest number of visits possible will be easy. To learn more about website designing and the Mobile First approach, consider enrolling in a comprehensive Web Designing Course in Chandigarh Sector 34.


In today's digital landscape, the Mobile First approach to web design has become a crucial philosophy. With the majority of users accessing information through their mobile devices, it is imperative to prioritize mobile-friendly design and responsiveness. By focusing on essential content and gradually adapting the layout for larger screens, designers can create efficient and user-friendly websites that cater to the diverse needs of their audience.

Google's emphasis on responsive design and the AMP project further reinforces the significance of Mobile First in web development. Websites that prioritize mobile performance not only ensure better search engine visibility but also provide a seamless experience for their visitors. As the use of mobile devices continues to rise, adopting the Mobile First strategy is no longer an option but a necessity.


Why is the Mobile First approach important in web design?

The Mobile First approach is essential in web design because it prioritizes the needs of mobile users, who now constitute the majority of internet traffic. By starting the design process with mobile devices in mind, websites can ensure a responsive and user-friendly experience for all visitors, leading to better engagement and higher search engine rankings.

Is it easier to design for mobile screens compared to larger screens?

Yes, designing for mobile screens is generally considered easier due to the limited space and fewer elements that can be included. It encourages designers to prioritize essential content and discard non-essential elements, leading to more focused and efficient design choices.

Can I learn more about Mobile First and responsive web design through a comprehensive Course in Chandigarh?

Absolutely! Enrolling in a comprehensive website design Course in Chandigarh can provide in-depth knowledge about the Mobile First approach, responsive web design techniques, and modern design principles. Such Courses in Chandigarh often cover HTML, CSS, media queries, and other essential skills for creating user-friendly and visually appealing websites.

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