How High Water Pressure Can Damage Your Home’s Plumbing System

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Have unnecessary leakage and drips at home? One thing to consider is the water pressure in your plumbing. Water pressure is the amount of water pushing through the pipe. To understand how high water pressure can damage your home’s plumbing system, we must understand what happens when moisture builds up pressure in a pipe (like a drain, water spigot, or water heater). This can cause damage to your bathroom pipes and home plumbing system.

You might not think high water pressure can damage your home's plumbing, but it can. High water pressure will slow the water flow to your pipes and fixtures, which can cause leaks or, worse, corrode copper pipes. While you might be able to reduce or eliminate the problem by lowering your water pressure, there are other ways to address high-pressure issues without sacrificing convenience or comfort. The best solution depends on how bad your case is:

High Water Pressure is Harder on Pipes and Fixtures than Low Water Pressure

If you have high water pressure, knowing it can damage your plumbing system is essential. In fact, high water pressure can cause corrosion in copper pipes and fixtures. This is because the mineral deposits built up over time by low-pressure leaks will be washed away by high-pressure streams of water coming through the system.

If you're worried about this happening to your home's plumbing system—or if you want to prevent it from happening. You should consider replacing old copper pipes with new ones made out of plastic or urethane (a type of polyvinyl chloride). Some homeowners also choose short lengths of flexible tubing instead. These are often portable and easy for people who live alone or with small children because they don't need installation services from professionals like plumbers or electricians.

High Water Pressure Can Damage Your Home's Supply Lines

  • Copper pipes may become brittle and crack.
  • Brass pipes may become brittle and crack.
  • Pipes can corrode, which results in them becoming leaky.

High Water Pressure Can Cause Corrosion in Copper Plumbing

Corrosion is the deterioration of metals caused by a chemical reaction. It can occur in copper piping, causing it to rust and develop holes or cracks.

The most common causes of corrosion in copper plumbing are:

  • Water leaks into your home from broken pipes or cracks in older homes with copper piping. This causes moisture to accumulate inside your home, which prevents proper air circulation and can lead to mold problems and other health issues if left untreated for long periods. This is why you should call an expert immediately.
  • The presence of excess minerals such as lime (calcium) in your water supply will cause corrosion. If left unmanaged properly, these minerals act like acid on the surface layer of steel pipes over time. This causes them to break down more quickly than they would otherwise have without this extra stress put upon them by their environment alone.

Mineral Deposits Can Build Up with High Water Pressure

Mineral deposits can build up with high water pressure. This is because the minerals in your pipes are pushed out, and they can cause problems if they're not cleaned off regularly.

  • Corrosion of copper pipes: When you have a lot of mineral deposits in your plumbing system in Alabama, they can corrode the copper pipes. This can lead to leaks and other issues with your plumbing system.
  • Other problems: If there aren't enough minerals in place when high water pressure hits them, they could eat away at different parts of your home's infrastructure. Such as joints between walls or floors (which would allow moisture into rooms).

High Water Pressure May Exacerbate a Slow Leak or Cause a Pipe to Burst

High water pressure can exacerbate a slow leak or cause a pipe to burst. For example, if you have a slow leak in your toilet, the water pressure will push air into your lines and expand them. Eventually, this could cause one or more of the pipes around that area of your home's plumbing system to burst.

If you notice an increase in how much water drains out during an irrigation cycle (or even if it doesn't), then high water pressure may be causing this problem. This type of issue often occurs when homeowners don't realize there's even been any damage done because it takes time for leaks like these (which are usually small) before they become noticeable enough for the plumbing experts.

Keep your water pressure below 80 PSI.

  • First, you'll need to find out your water pressure. This can be done by taking several flow rate measurements and then adding them together. For example, if you have a shower that uses 1/2 gallon per minute (GPM) but only has 2 GPM coming in from your faucet (the rest is lost through leaks or clogs), you know that your system has low pressure.
  • Next, reduce the amount of water coming into your home as much as possible by closing off unused faucets and removing unnecessary appliances such as washers or dishwashers from use during peak times of day when most people are at work or school.
  • Finally, ensure not to leave any standing water on floors where it could pool into tight spaces like under sinks or in corners. Condensation might form due to high temperatures outside during summer when temperatures rise above 100 degrees Fahrenheit.

Ensure a safe and efficient plumbing system

In conclusion, the high pressure of your home's water may be more dangerous than you think. 

  • High water pressure diminishes your water heater's efficiency
  • It can lead to leaking and difficulties in hot water and regular faucets. 
  • High water pressure can cause damage to your home’s pipes and fixtures

However, it’s not the only cause of plumbing issues. Many other potential culprits can lead to problems with your plumbing system. Those issues will eventually lead to expensive repairs or replacements if left unchecked.

Remember, with the proper water pressure, you can keep your plumbing fixtures running long without worrying about damage and leakage.


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