How to do winter lawn care in Omaha?

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People in Omaha are preparing for the colder times as November days are ticking by. It is well known that the winters in Omaha are shivery, cold, and snowy, so you need to make sure you keep a shovel in your car, check snowblowers are working up, and take care of things that may be harder to find during snowfall. 

Keeping all these preparations at one side, you need to prepare your lawn to fight the heavy snowfalls and colder temperatures, too. Most people feel there is no point in lawn care when we are heading toward the winter, but this is not true. Working on the lawn just before winter ensures a better lawn in spring. Let us discuss some winter care tips for lawns in Omaha. 

Autumn yard cleanup: 

Removing autumn leftovers from your yard is likely to be one of the tasks that you hate most. For many people, the most hateful task is removing yellow and brown leaves. You may feel it tempting to leave the fallen leaves, hoping they will disappear before spring, but this is not a good idea for the following reasons.

  • Before the dormancy season for grass, ensure it gets as much sun as possible. This way, grass will be able to store plenty of food in their roots to survive winters.
  • Secondly, when you keep the leaves on grass, they pack under the snow and provides a habitat for insects, pest, and diseases. Also, the wet and decayed leaves are a mess to clean up in spring.

When you feel like not cleaning the autumn lawn mess, just keep the above two things in your mind.

Fertilize cool season grass:

Again, fertilizing your grass right before winter may seem doubtful and pointless, but it is the crucial time to fertilize your lawn. This is invalid if you have cool-season grasses because they can easily stay alive during winters.

During the fall, lawn grass recovers from the summer heat. Right before winter is the perfect time to provide a boost of nutrients to the lawn. This lawn care step helps to beat any leftover summer stress and prepares the lawn to endure winter.


The fertilization will help store nitrogen to improve the density of the turf and promote leaf blade development. As a result, the lawn will appear better in the spring. Secondly, it builds reserves of potassium that strengthen the grass by making it endure the winter stress. Lastly, fertilization provides phosphorous, increasing root growth and allowing more winters storage space. Make sure you apply a high-blade nitrogen fertilizer sooner than when the grass starts to brown.

Say no to fertilization with warm-season grass.

If you have warm-season grass in your yard, there is an entirely different lawn care plan for you. You do not need to fertilize the grass the same way as cool-season grass.

Right before the winter season, warm-season grass only requires a dose of potassium. A nitrogen fertilizer can trigger the grass growth at the time your lawn must be preparing for dormancy.

Lawn aeration: 

During the summer, your lawn is home to human and dog feet. Kids and pets like to run across the lawn, and summer parties also invite plenty of foot traffic to the lawn. Your soil will be compacted to some degree, and good aeration can properly give your cool season grass water, air, and nutrients.

Keep mowing your grass:

You are going to see a growth in your lawn grass when the temperature goes down. Therefore, you must keep mowing your grass until the season reaches dormancy. However, it is essential to mow the lawn at an ideal height and put no stress on the grass right before the winter.

Replace mulch:  

The next step in your lawn care Omaha winter edition is replacing the mulch in your lawn and flower beds. This way, your plants will be insulated, and the mulch layer will protect the plants. Brownie's point is that you will see less damage in next year. 

Keep distance from the lawn during snowfall: 

Preparing lawn for winter means your soil will be soggy and mulch will be wet. This means you don’t have to put a foot on the lawn. You can’t afford to waste the money you spend on aerating. Therefore, stay at a distance from the lawn.


If you want to prepare your lawn for winter but are busy, Omaha lawn care companies can help you provide professional winter lawn care. They have trained and experienced staff that knows the best to do fertilizing, aerating, weeding, trimming, mowing, etc. 

Ground Builders is one of the best landscaping companies in Omaha. They provide landscape designing, lawn care, and maintenance services in Omaha. To take a look at their portfolio, visit their website now!

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