Matexcel Provides Expansive Array of Bio-ink Products for Different Applications

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Matexcel, a leading innovator in advanced materials and bioengineering, today announced its diverse portfolio of bio-ink products, empowering researchers across various fields to unlock the potential of 3D bioprinting. This comprehensive range, featuring tailored bio-inks for specific applications, paves the way for revolutionary advancements in regenerative medicine, drug discovery, and beyond.


Bio-ink is a material used in the 3D bioprinting industry to create structures that can imitate natural tissues and organs. Bio-inks are usually composed of living cell cultures alongside a natural or synthetic material that supports cell life and acts as a scaffold. These materials can be precisely deposited layer by layer, alongside supporting materials, to build up complex structures.


In the modern medical world, bio-Ink brings science fiction to life, constructing 3D structures of cells, tissues, and even organs. It carries a plethora of applications in regenerative medicine, cosmetic testing, drug testing, and beyond! Bio-ink products at Matexcel have been specifically designed for a variety of biomedical applications including embolization, wound healing, drug delivery, vaccines and so on.


"Matexcel understands the unique needs of each bioprinting application," explained Johnson, one of the representative speakers from Matexcel. "Our diverse portfolio, with its customizable composition and optimized properties, offers users the perfect bio-ink to bring their groundbreaking ideas to life, accelerating the path toward personalized medicine and transformative breakthroughs."


Featured Bio-ink products at Matexcel include

Basic Photocurable Biomaterials

GelMA, 300g Bloom, 81-100%, GelMA, 300g Bloom, 61-80%, GelMA, 300g Bloom, 41-60%, GelMA, 300g Bloom, <40%, HAMA, Mw400-900kDa, 31-50%, Chondroitin Sulphate Methacrylate (CSMA), Alginate Methacrylate (ALMA), Methacrylated Carboxymethyl Chitosan (CMCSMA), Methacrylated Silk Fibroin (SFMA), etc.



LAP Photoinitiator, TPO-L Photoinitiator, I2959 Photoinitiator


UV-curing Biomaterial Packs

GelMA & LAP Pack, PLMA & LAP Pack, CMCSMA & LAP Pack, DexMA & LAP Pack, CSMA & LAP Pack, Polyether F127 Diacrylate(F127DA) & LAP Pack...


Matexcel actively collaborates with researchers and clinicians worldwide to leverage the power of its bio-inks and realize their potential in various fields. Through this commitment to innovation and collaboration, Matexcel aims to usher in a new era of bioprinting, transforming healthcare, drug discovery, and environmental sustainability.


To know more detailed information about the bio-ink products provided by Matexcel, please visit

