Fruits and vegetables are an essential part of a healthy diet. They provide nutrients that are important for optimal health and well-being. While many people recognize the general health benefits of eating fruits and vegetables, few are aware of the powerful ingredients contained within them. The following article highlights some of the most important fruit and vegetable ingredients and their benefits.
Vitamin C
One of the most abundant and important nutrients found in fruits and vegetables is vitamin C. Citrus fruits like oranges, grapefruits, and tangerines are excellent sources of vitamin C. Other top vitamin C containing foods include bell peppers, strawberries, kiwi, broccoli, and Brussels sprouts. Vitamin C plays a key role in the growth and repair of all body tissues. It is essential for the formation of collagen, which gives structure to blood vessels, skin, organs, and bones. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that protects cells from free radical damage. Regular intake of vitamin C-rich produce can help protect against chronic diseases.
Carotenoids are a subclass of phytonutrients that give certain fruits and vegetables their bright yellow, orange, and red hues. Some common carotenoids are beta-carotene, lycopene, lutein, and zeaxanthin. Top dietary sources of carotenoids include carrots, sweet potatoes, pumpkins, mangoes, apricots, and dark leafy greens. Carotenoids act as antioxidants in the body, helping to prevent damage to cells. Certain carotenoids like beta-carotene and lycopene have been shown to protect against cancer and heart disease when consumed as part of a balanced diet.
Many people overlook the importance of getting sufficient dietary potassium. This mineral is crucial for normal heart, nerve, and muscle function. Potassium also helps control blood pressure. Some top potassium-containing foods include potatoes, avocados, oranges, bananas, and leafy greens like spinach and kale. Just one medium potato provides over 1000mg of potassium. Eating potassium-rich whole foods on a regular basis may help offset some risks of high blood pressure and stroke.
Folate, also known as vitamin B9, is a water-soluble vitamin and essential nutrient involved in DNA synthesis and repair. Adequate folate intake is especially important for pregnant women to help prevent neural tube defects in their developing fetus. Excellent folate sources include oranges, avocados, asparagus, Brussels sprouts, and spinach. Many countries have laws fortifying certain grain products with folic acid to increase availability of this nutrient in the diet. Getting plenty of leafy greens and citrus fruits is another natural way to meet daily folate needs.
Polyphenols are an extensive group of phytochemical plant compounds known for their antioxidant properties. Research suggests polyphenols may help protect against chronic diseases like diabetes, obesity and certain cancers when consumed as part of a healthy lifestyle. Top polyphenol-containing produce includes berries, apples, artichokes, green tea, cocoa, olive oil, and red grapes. One specific type of polyphenol called flavonoids are responsible for the red, purple, and blue colors in berries. The anthocyanin flavonoids in berries have been shown to reduce inflammation throughout the body.
Benefits of Fruits and Vegetables for Health and Longevity
From protecting cells against free radical damage to supporting cardiovascular health, regular fruit and vegetable consumption provides benefits that extend well beyond basic nutrition. Eating a variety of whole plant foods supplies the body with an array of vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients, fiber and other protective compounds that work synergistically to promote optimal health. A balanced diet that emphasizes fresh produce over processed foods has been directly linked to decreased risks of many chronic illnesses as well as longer lifespans. Some studies have found that people who consumed the most fruits and vegetables as part of their daily meal plans live approximately two years longer than those who consume the least amount of plant foods.
Specific Health Benefits of High Produce Intake
Here are just a few examples of how eating your daily fruits and vegetables can benefit your health:
Cancer Prevention - The antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and fiber in produce can help the body fight formation and progression of cancerous cells in many tissues of the body. Fruits and vegetables also tend to be low in calories and provide nutrients that displace less healthy, calorie-dense options in the diet. Cancer risk is reduced when they replace fatty, processed foods on a regular basis.
Heart Health - Antioxidants found in colorful Fruits And Vegetables Ingredients help reduce inflammation and oxidation of LDL cholesterol, which protects against atherosclerosis and blocks formation of plaque in the arteries. Potassium in produce also counteracts effects of sodium to promote healthy blood pressure regulation. Diets rich in produce have been shown to lower risk of heart attacks and strokes significantly compared to diets lacking these whole foods.
Brain Health - Nutrients like folate, antioxidants like vitamin C, and plant compounds like anthocyanins cross the blood-brain barrier and assist in formation of neurotransmitters while protecting neurons from damage. Higher midlife and senior intakes of produce are linked to significantly decreased risks of cognitive decline, dementia, and Alzheimer's disease later in life.
Weight Management - Fruits and vegetables are low in calories but high in fiber and water content, making them very filling foods. Meal plans based around abundant produce leave people feeling full with fewer calories consumed overall. Also, antioxidants may help regulate appetite hormones for natural feelings of fullness when meals contain fiber-rich produce. Make produce the stars of your meals and snack on them for an easy, natural way to trim body weight or maintain a healthy figure.
Whether consumed fresh, frozen, dried, or canned in light syrup or water, fruits and vegetables should play a starring role in every meal and snack for maximum health benefits. Eating a variety at least five servings per day from the different color groups is associated with the lowest disease risks and longest lifespans. These whole plant foods deliver essential vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, fiber and other protective components that synergistically promote healthy cells, tissues, organ function and longevity. Make produce the foundation of your plate to support overall wellbeing at every stage of life.
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