What is WordPress- A complete guide for beginners

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Fundamentally, WordPress is the easiest and most widely used platform for building your own website or blog. Actually, more than 42.7% of all websites on the Internet are powered by WordPress. Yes, WordPress is probably used by more than one in four of the websites you visit.

Technically speaking, WordPress is an open-source content management system available under the GPLv2, which permits anybody to use or alter the program for free. 

In the end, WordPress enables anyone to create a website without any coding knowledge.

What Sorts of Webpages Is WordPress Capable Of?

WordPress was mostly used as a tool for creating blogs instead of more conventional websites many years ago. However, that hasn't been the case in a while. These days, you may use WordPress to construct any kind of website because of updates to the core code and the vast ecosystem of plugins and themes.WordPress developers launch updated versions every year. In 2019 WordPress 5.3 was released which has innovative ways with various functionalities. The latest version of Wordpress is WordPress 6.4 which was released on November 7, 2023.

For instance, WordPress powers the majority of blogs and commercial websites and is also the most widely used platform for building eCommerce stores! WordPress allows you to create:

  • Commercial websites e-commerce shops
  • Blogs
  • Forums Resume Portfolios
  • Membership websites, social networks, and pretty much anything else you can think of.

What’s The Difference Between WordPress.org and WordPress.com?

The main distinction between WordPress.org and WordPress.com has been discussed extensively, but here's a quick summary:


Installing WordPress.org, also known as self-hosted WordPress, on your own web host allows you to construct a completely unique website using the free and open-source WordPress software.


The WordPress.org software powers WordPress.com, a for-profit, subscription service. Although it's easy to use, you give up a lot of the self-hosted WordPress's versatility.

When most people refer to "WordPress," they usually mean the self-hosted version that may be found at WordPress.org. The best option is nearly always self-hosted WordPress.org if you wish to own your website completely.

Getting started with self-hosted WordPress only requires a domain name and a WordPress hosting service.

Why Should You Make Use of WordPress?

Alright, Most all websites on the Internet—including well-known organizations like Microsoft and the White House—use WordPress.

What about you, though? What makes using WordPress recommended?

There are several reasons to use wordpress when creating a website, regardless of the kind of site you intend to build. These are a few of the largest ones:

WordPress Is Free And Open Source

The fact that WordPress is free and open-source software is one of its main advantages. As opposed to alternatives like Squarespace, you won't ever have to pay to utilize the WordPress software; you will only ever need to pay a small amount for hosting.

In addition, a plethora of open-source plugins and themes are available to customize the appearance and functionality of your website. 

WordPress Is Extensible

Thanks to WordPress' vast ecosystem of themes and plugins, you can simply customize your website even if you're not a developer:


These themes essentially alter the appearance of your website.


plugins basically alter the way your website operates. Plugins might be as little as a contact form or as large as building an online store.

In addition to a ton of paid alternatives, there are currently over 50,000 free WordPress plugins and 5,000 free WordPress themes available. In other words, you have many options!

WordPress Is Easy To Install

Do you believe creating your own website requires you to be a tech wizard? Rethink that! On your website, WordPress may be installed with just a few button clicks.


Most web providers these days either:

Offer to preinstall WordPress on your website so that it is operational from the start.

Provide you with specialized tools that simplify the installation process for beginners.

You can initiate the migration of a current site to Kinsta or create a new site using a drop-down menu.


There's a reason why WordPress is the most widely used website-building platform. WordPress is a fantastic choice if you want to create any kind of website, from a blog to an online store.

Just keep in mind that WordPress.org and WordPress.com are not the same things if you self-host. Additionally, you want to create websites using self-hosted WordPress.org the majority of the time. You have more control over your self-hosted WordPress.org in addition to having access to all the advantages and benefits of the WordPress community.

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