Acute Bacterial Skin and Skin Structure Infections Market: Exploring Novel Treatment Approaches

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Acute bacterial skin and skin structure infections market (ABSSSIs) refer to a wide range of infections that often involve the epidermis, dermis, subcutaneous tissues and sometimes underlying structures like fascia and muscle. Some common ABSSSIs include cellulitis, cutaneous abscesses, erysipelas and wound infections. These infections are generally caused by common bacterial pathogens that reside on the skin and enter through breaks in the skin. Staphylococcus aureus is the most frequent pathogen causing ABSSSIs. ABSSSIs can develop following minor cuts or burns and may range from mild to severe infections requiring hospitalization. In this article, we will discuss the causes, symptoms, risk factors, diagnosis and treatment of ABSSSIs.

The most common causes of ABSSSIs are bacterial pathogens like S. aureus and Streptococcus pyogenes that commonly reside on the human skin and nasal passages. These pathogens enter through breaks in the skin like cuts, scratches, burns, insect bites or surgical wounds. Other less frequent causes include Streptococcus agalactiae, Streptococcus dysgalactiae subspecies equisimilis and other community-acquired methicillin-resistant S. aureus (CA-MRSA). Risk factors like diabetes, obesity, smoking, IV drug use, poor wound care make people more susceptible to ABSSSIs by these pathogens.


The signs and symptoms of ABSSSIs vary depending on the type and severity of infection but commonly include:
- Skin redness, swelling, warmth and tenderness at the site of infection
- Pain at the infection site that worsens with movement
- Pus or fluid-filled blisters under the skin (sign of abscess)
- Fever in more severe infections
- Fatigue and body aches
- Swollen lymph nodes near the infection

Types of ABSSSIs
Some common ABSSSIs are:

1. Cellulitis:
A diffuse bacterial infection of the skin with reddened, warm, swollen and tender skin. Often seen after cuts or insect bites.

2. Cutaneous Abscesses:
Circumscribed pockets of pus within the skin caused by staphylococcal or streptococcal bacteria. Appear as fluid-filled bumps or bulges in the skin.

3. Erysipelas:
A superficial bacterial skin infection caused by group A streptococci that involves the upper dermis. Characterized by sharply demarcated red plaques with raised erythematous borders. Frequently involves the face, arms or legs.

4. Infected wounds:
Any disruption or break in the skin that becomes contaminated with pathogenic bacteria. Surgical site infections, infected pressure or diabetic foot ulcers commonly affect patients with predisposing risk factors.

5. Folliculitis or furuncles:
Inflammation or infection of hair follicles caused by staphylococci or streptococci that may form furuncles or boils - fluid-filled bumps around hair follicles.

Risk Factors
Some individual risk factors that predispose to ABSSSIs include:
- Diabetes mellitus
- Obesity
- IV drug use
- Smoking
- Chronic liver or renal disease
- Cancer or tumors of the skin
- Elderly age
- Wounds with poor hygiene or foreign bodies
- Malnourishment or vitamin deficiencies
- Prolonged corticosteroid or immunosuppressant use

Environmental factors like overcrowding, poor hygiene also provide opportunity for skin Breaks and bacterial spread. Early identification and control of risk factors helps prevent ABSSSIs.

Diagnosis is usually based on clinical history and examination. Pus or fluid from abscesses, infected wounds or blood cultures may help identify the causative pathogen in complicated cases. Imaging tests like ultrasound are useful for diagnosing abscesses if clinical examination is inconclusive.

The mainstay of ABSSSI treatment includes:
- Incision and drainage of abscesses or infected wounds to release pus and bacteria.
- Antibiotic therapy with coverage against S. aureus like dicloxacillin, cephalexin or doxycycline depending on severity and risk factors.
- Warm compresses to aid healing.
- Pain medication as required.
- Control of risk factors like optimization of glucose levels in diabetics, wound care.
- Hospitalization may be required in severe or complicated infections for IV antibiotics and surgical intervention.

The most important steps to prevent ABSSSIs are:
- Keeping skin clean and wounds well covered and cared for.
- Seeking prompt medical help for wounds, boils or insect bites.
- Good hygiene practices - hand washing, bathing regularly.
- Control of risk factors like glucose levels, smoking cessation.
- Avoidance of minor skin trauma, injury.
- Use of protective clothing if working in risk environments.
- Vaccination against S. aureus for high-risk individuals.

Acute Bacterial Skin and Skin Structure Infections Market are common bacterial infections of the skin that occur following breaks in skin. Prompt recognition, control of risk factors along with appropriate antibiotics and drainage when indicated form the mainstay of management. Prevention through good hygiene practices and prompt treatment of wounds helps control the spread of these infections in the community.
