How Ganpati’s Favourite Foods and Herbs can Help Develop the Foundation of Good Health!

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The Indian traditions are well known for their spirit of celebration, with a number of festivals throughout the year. One of the most popular is the Ganesh Festival, celebrated for more than 10 days.

It is recommended by the scriptures to invoke and worship Shri Ganesha at the beginning of any venture, small or big, and at the start of anything important in our lives. He is the deity of the First Chakra of energy in the body called Mooladhar, and is identified with the Earth Element. This name is made of two parts. Moola means ‘root’. Adhar means ‘foundation’ or ‘base’. For any activity to become successful, it is imperative that it should have a firm foundation. Of all the Principle Elements the one that has the potential to provide a foundation is the Earth Element. This support we request, first of all, from Shri Ganesha, the deity of the Earth Element. This is also one of the reasons why, to invoke the blessings of Shri Ganesha, a small idol is made of earth and water and worshiped in the month of Bhadrapad. 

Ayurveda and all the other Indian sciences accept the principle of ‘Lok-Purush Nyaya’. This principle states that whatever exists in the universe is also present in each of us. Based on this philosophy, Ayurveda has inferred that the harder and stronger parts of the body contain and exhibit the earth element e.g. bones, teeth, tendons, muscles, nails etc. The Earth Element is a major constituent in these, and therefore they are controlled by the Mooladhar Chakra and its deity Shri Ganesha. 

The bones, and especially the spine and pelvic bone, along with the organs within pelvic cavity such as intestine, rectum uterus, ovaries, prostate and urinary bladder are all under the control of the Mooladhar Chakra. When you study the tradition of worshiping Shri Ganesha, you will see that the various flowers, herbs and foods traditionally offered to Shri Ganesh are also exactly those which have health benefits and remedies for these parts of the body. Let us look at some of these examples. 

Read more about How Ganpati’s Favourite Foods and Herbs can Help Develop the Foundation of Good Health!

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